
Showing posts from July, 2020

psychological facts about children

We are all fond of children.. Here are some physiological facts that one should know about children.  Let's start to read.. Children who participate in laughing activities experience an increase in memory retention. Getting in music rhythms helps children grasp fractions. Children behave better when parents are involved in their education at home and at school. Children aged between 6 and 12 are more likely to wake up hearing their mother’s voice calling their name than hearing the sound of a home smoke alarm. An average baby will triple his birth weight in his first year. The children of strict parents tend to be sneakier. Your child understands what you are saying before they begin to speak. According to a study by Boston Children's Hospital, children with musical training have enhanced executive functioning. Children inherit their intelligence from their mothers, according to Scientists. At preschool age, your child

Biological facts one should know...

In this world all are searching for the mystery... If you ask me, I will say our body is one of the mysterious thing in this world..  Let's know about some biological facts of our body... Let's read.....  We are more attracted to individuals with bigger eyes... 👀  We daydream at least 30% of the time. Our bone marrow produces 260 billion red blood cells (RBCs) and 135 billion white blood cells (WBCs) per day. 🍖 Optimism will strengthen your immune system against invasion by foreign viruses and bacteria. 💯 The inability to pronounce the letter "r" is called rhotacism, making it impossible for the sufferers to pronounce their own affliction. More than a third of Europeans have a mental health disorder. Every 7 years your body completely replaces itself. 25,000,000 of your cells died while you read this sentence. It's okay though, your body has made more than 300 billion new ones today. The ce