What happens after death?
Sounds strange right... 
We are all have one common doubt, what will happen after our death?
What happens to our soul? 

Let's read 📖 and find your answer.....
    An experiment was conducted on SPAIN,   by the group of 154 peoples who are all touch the death line and escaped. Some of them are about to die but didn't, some of them are in short period of coma and get back their lives.... and so on.. 

The result of the experiment was, some of them are saying that they saw their own spirit.....  
Some saw the flash of light... Some of them feels an immense peace they never felt before.... Most of them said that, we remembered the most beautiful and important events that happened in our life...  

      So when we are about to die, our favorite memories in our subconscious mind will play in front of our eyes... Is proved... 

   Science always opposing on this statement. Because it is impossible to imagine the things after we die. Once the heart stopped its pumping action, the tissues are about to die.. So science is not accepting the above fact... 

Still now there is a great conflict between the science and the experimental results... 

In between this the professor from London, named DONALD, conducted his experiment with his 6 patients who are all almost on the bed of death, before 100 years.. 
He placed the patients on the weighing machine and he calculated the weight. While placing 2 were died, and he placed only 4 patients... And after death, he noticed only one patient's weight is reduced to about 21grams after he died.... 
From this the professor strongly believes that the weight of our soul is definitely 21grams....

 Can a person hears us after his death? 

       Remember: hearing is thought to be the last sense to go in the dying process, so never assume the person is unable to hear you. Talk as if they can hear you, even if they appear to be unconscious or restless.  
So after death a person can hear our words.. 

What happens to our soul? 

     Scientists revealed the documentary by saying that our soul doesn't die after our death. 

The evidence we have is that when a person dies, that part that makes us who we are – the soul or mind, or whatever you call it – it does not become annihilated.”

Unfortunately, scientists are not sure what exactly happens to your consciousness yet, but it will not stop religious followers from speculating. 

Some, including Christians, hold the opinion that your spirit goes to heaven if God gives you divine judgement based on your actions and beliefs during life. 

However, if you have not lived an honest life, Christians believe you go to Hell – the lowest and darkest place of the universe.

There is something beyond the science that still exists in this world and its hard to believe technically..... 


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